Participate PARADE ENTRIES ARE CLOSED - CHECK BACK later or Follow us on social Media for updates. Parade Entry FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.You will be contacted on or before November 15th for your official application status. Upon approval, you will receive specific information regarding your entry's staging time and location. If you need a quicker response due to your float build, please reach out to us PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO LIMITED SPACE AND TIME CONSTRAINTS, NOT ALL ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please Select Your Entry Type: *Float: Self-Propelled Trailer Pulled by TruckBalloon EntryMarching Band or Musical Performance ActWalking or Dancing UnitDecorated Company Vehicle (1 vehicle per entry)Car/Motorcycle/Bicycle ClubsEquestrianOther (please describe below)If You Selected Other, Please Describe In DetailWould you like your entry to be judged in the Making Spirits Bright Contest? The Making Spirits Bright Contest will rate participating entries on the following: Best Theme, Best Costumes, Best Band/Live Music, Best Float, Best Overall Entry. *YesNoThe 2024 Tulsa Christmas Parade theme is "Stay Gold, Berry & Bright an Outsiders House Museum Christmas". However, this is a Christmas Parade and the annual theme is optional. Instructions on judging will be sent out with your staging information at a later date.Entry Category Pricing *For Profit Business - $750.00Non-Profit Organization - $350.00Community Group - $350.00Band Sponsorship $0 upon approval - $0.00Ice Gala Sponsorship - $0.00Entry Category Pricing (Pay By Check) *For Profit Business - $750.00Non-Profit Organization - $350.00Community Group $350.00Band Sponsorship $0 upon approvalCONTACT INFORMATIONOrganization Name *Primary Contact Name *FirstLastAs the main contact person, you bear responsibility for your group, including the distribution and communication of the specified rules and regulations provided here. Unit leaders are accountable for the conduct of their members. *Check the box that you understand and agreePrimary Contact Email Address *Primary Contact Phone Number *Secondary Contact NameFirstLastSecondary Contact Email AddressSecondary Contact Phone NumberMailing AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2City--- Select state ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodeSponsoring Company Name (Only required if your entry is being sponsored by another entity)Sponsoring Company Contact (Only required if your entry is being sponsored by another entity)Website URL and/or Social Media Tags ENTRY INFORMATIONParade participants must be able to keep pace with the line of march. All units must maintain forward motion with approximately 30 feet between each entry during the parade. No maneuvers contrary to the forward progression of the parade is allowed. Set spacing must be maintained at all times. follow the instructions of parade staff with signs instructing you to speed up or slow down. All units must designate a person in charge of pacing and keep their unit within 30 feet of the next unit during the entire parade route. *Check the box that you understand and agreeA driver/unit leader must always stay with your entry, from entering the staging area until the parade is over. This is for your entries safety and the safety of others, as you may need to move your entry at any time as directed by Parade Staff or Emergency Personnel. All units should be prepared with extra supplies to prevent running out. This could include gas for generators, batteries, extension cords, water, etc. The parade could last up to two hours, not including staging time. *Check the box that you understand and agreePlease estimate how many people will participate in your entry (walking and/or riding). *Please describe your costumes. Holiday or annual theme-inspired costumes are required for each entry. No Santa Claus or Mrs. Claus costumes are allowed by any entry. Santa will be provided by presenting sponsor as the grand finale of the parade. *Check the box that you understand and agreeFile Upload for Costumes Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Does your entry include animals? If yes, how many and what type of animal?All animals must have prior parade/crowd experience; have a pooper-scooper to clean up after any messes; be secured by a leash/reins and in control of an adult handler over the age of 18 who is in possession of a copy of their insurance policy at all times. *Check the box that you understand and agreeWill your entry include a vehicle? Please note that due to limited staging space only one vehicle allowed per entry. All drivers in the parade must provide a copy of their drivers license. All entries are required to be covered by their own insurance. *All streets within the staging area must always have a FIRE LANE open to allow emergency vehicles and/or parade staff to drive through safely and without delay. *Check the box that you understand and agreeA driver must always stay with your entry, from entering the staging area until the parade is over. This is for your entries safety and the safety of others, as you may need to move your entry at any time as directed by Parade staff or Emergency personnel. *Check the box that you understand and agreeAll units containing motor vehicles must be equipped with a fire extinguisher and proper tire pressure. All vehicles must be in good, legal, working condition and operated by a licensed driver, over the age of 18, who is to remain with the vehicle from call time through the end of the parade. All entries with closed vehicles should have at least two walkers over the age of 18 escorting the vehicle to aid the driver in safely navigating the parade route and keeping pace within 30 feet of next unit. All motorcycles must stay on all wheels at all times. All units should be prepared with extra supplies to prevent running out. This could include gas for generators, batteries, extension cords, water, etc. The parade could last up to two hours, not including staging time. *Check the box that you understand and agreeStaging areas must be clear to thru traffic at all times. You cannot bring any vehicle of any kind that does not fit into the pre-determind staging location you registered for. If any part of your entry arrives by truck or trailer, it must be taken back out of the staging area immediately after unloading until after the parade is completely over. Exceptions are permissible by designated parade staff upon proper communication. Further details will be included in your parade entry packet. *Check the box that you understand and agreeFile Upload of Drivers License * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. File Upload of Drivers License Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please explain your entry. If providing a float, please sketch a drawing or provide pictures as an example for parade committee review. File Upload of Sketches or Entry Inspiration Examples Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Will you have props such as snow blowers, bubble machines, etc.?Do you plan to pass out candy or flyers to the crowd? If so, please describe what it is.THERE WILL BE A NO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR THROWING CANDY OR ANY OTHER OBJECTS AT ANY TIME. DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS REGARDING THE THROWING OF ITEMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CANDY, PARTICIPANTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO THROW ANYTHING TO THE SPECTATORS. INSTEAD, GROUPS ARE ADVISED TO HAVE DESIGNATED INDIVIDUALS WALK ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE TO DISTRIBUTE ITEMS TO THE CROWD. NON-COMPLIANCE MAY LEAD TO REMOVAL, IMPACTING FUTURE PARADE INVITATIONS. *Check the box that you understand and agreePlease include total dimensions including trailers, floats, towing vehicles, etc. This information is essential to ensure proper staging area. Length, Width & Height is required.If you will include a performance of any kind, please describe it here. If your performance has choreography, it is of utmost importance you let us know so we can ensure proper logistics for entertainment purposes. If your entry has music, please provide song title(s) and artist name(s).Music is encouraged and must be Christmas themed unless preapproved by the parade committee. Please keep music at a level that does not interfere with other entries on either side of you and be prepared to adjust the volume if requested. Please provide a brief description of your entry to be used in the parade broadcast. This information could be used by the LIVE TV broadcaster. Please try to keep it "in-theme" or holiday-inspired. Also include a brief history of your organization and any noteworthy details/accomplishments. *Parade units are not to stop in the LIVE TV area unless otherwise directed. Keep a forward motion at all times. All units must proceed through all areas with their music already in play. *Check the box that you understand and agreeTerms and ConditionsTerms and ConditionsI AGREECheck this box if you agree to the following terms. I understand that if we are selected to participate in the Tulsa Christmas Parade, presented by American Waste Control, we agree to hold harmless American Waste Control, City of Tulsa, and any other parade supplier or tv broadcast or live streamer from any all and liability arising from Acts of God, illness, injury, or loss resulting in bodily injury or property damage to any member of this organization or third party, which results directly or indirectly from our participation in the Tulsa Christmas Parade. By checking this box, I also agree that all members of our entry must abide by these rules and comply with all requests from members of the parade committee, parade marshals, and/or law enforcement agents on the day of the parade, including any current safety, face covering, or social distancing guidelines currently in effect by the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, and/or the State of Oklahoma, the day of the parade. TERMS If accepted as a parade/float participant, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations established by the Parade Committee. Parade units will follow instructions from parade staff, parade volunteers and members of the Tulsa Police Department. Unit leaders accept responsibility for the behavior of their members. Signage and handouts advocating, opposing or pertaining to political, social or personal agendas; sexually suggestive or explicit material are not allowed. Use of any political sign, social or political material, or improper use of the American flag is not permitted, based upon US flag policy set forth in the US Code. The Tulsa Christmas Parade cannot be used as a platform to further any cause, political, social or personal. Call times will start at 8 AM. You will receive more specific information about your entry’s specific staging time and location prior to the parade. All vehicles, and at least one person from your group must be in your designated area and ready to go by the call time you are assigned. If you are not in the designated area on time, you will forfeit your spot in the parade. No exceptions. All vehicles should arrive with a full tank of gas. All units should be prepared with extra supplies to prevent running out. This could include gas for generators, batteries, extension cords, water, etc. The parade starts could last up to two hours, not including staging time. All units must designate a person in charge of pacing and keep their unit within 30 feet of the next unit during the entire parade route. All members of all entries agree to comply with all rules in this package and to comply with any instructions given by members of the parade committee, parade marshals and/or law-enforcement agents while anywhere on site in the staging/de-staging areas and/or parade route, before, during and after the parade. No use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or e-cigarettes anywhere in the staging/de-staging areas or parade route. All members of all entries are required to abide by all safety guidelines and requests, including masking and social distancing guidelines currently in effect by the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, and/or State of Oklahoma, the day of the parade. All entries must have a signed copy of the rules with them at all times. All entries must have a copy of the staging directions packet that was emailed prior to Parade with them at all times. This will help speed up locating your staging spot upon arrival and make it easier to ask anyone for help if needed. All entries that have specific exceptions that were approved by designated parade personnel must have a copy of the approval email with them at all times. All entries must sign the Hold Harmless Agreement included in this package. Initial Here to Accept All Terms *By initialing you are indicating your agreement and acknowledgement of the rules highlighted here.Submission DetailsSubmission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. Entrants will be notified of their application status by email. Any additions or changes made to parade units after acceptance must be approved by the Parade Committee. Parade units with changes that have not been approved will not be allowed on the parade route. I understand that if my entry form is approved and selected to participate in the Tulsa Christmas Parade, presented by American Waste Control, we agree to hold harmless American Waste Control, City of Tulsa, KTUL-Channel 8 and any other parade supplier from any and all liability arising from injury or loss or resulting bodily injury or property damage to any member of this organization or third party, which results directly or indirectly from our participation in the Tulsa Christmas Parade to be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. By signing this contract we also agree that all members of our entry must abide by these rules and comply with all requests from members of the parade committee, parade marshals and/or law enforcement agents on the day of the parade. If accepted as a parade/float participant, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations established by the Parade Committee. Signature Clear Signature PaymentI need to pay by check (or leave unchecked to pay by credit card below)To pay by check please send a check payable to: Tulsa Christmas Parade 1420 W 35th Street Tulsa OK 74107Do you need an invoice and/or a copy of a W9 emailed to you? YesNoStripe Credit Card *Total$0.00Submit